South Indian Bank
No of Vacancies: 200
Pay Scale: Rs. 7200/- to 19300/-. plus DA, HRA, Conveyance Allowance etc.
Total starting emoluments per month is Rs. 13500/-
Age Limit: 20 - 26 Years (As on 31.08.2010 - Relaxaton as per rules)
Qualification: Graduate Degree from a recognised university having completed 10+2+3 course securing at least 50% marks in Science stream or 45% marks in other streams. Candidate should be proficient in computer operations.
Online registration – opening from 11.08.2010
Online registration – closure on 31.08.2010
Last date for remitting the application fees at any branch of The South Indian Bank Ltd. 02.09.2010
Last date for receipt of application(system generated) with photo and other documents 07.09.2010
Down-loading/Printing of hall tickets from 27.09.2010
Tentative date of written test 10.10.2010
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