Advertisement No.04/2010
Online Application need to be submit for the following posts as well as hardcopy of the same with registration number obtained through print file
Junior Executive Trainee (E&M) (Male Only) : 42 posts (33 - External, 21 - Local, Internal-9),
Pay Scale : Rs.16400-40500,
Qualification : B.E.,B.Tech.,AMIE or its equivalent qualification in Electrical, Mechanical or Electrical & Electronics Engg. with a minimum of 55% marks.,
Age : 28 years as on 01/01/2010
Hiring Process:
-Face to Face Interview
How to Apply:
Online application can be submitted upto 5.00 PM on 21/08/2010. Candidates have to take a print of the Online Application Form after successful submission of data. The printed form of the application signed by the candidate enclosing therewith copies of certificates in proof of age, qualification, experience, marks memos, caste etc., self-addressed stamped (Rs.5/-) envelope should be sent to the Director (PA& W), The Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd., Recruitment Cell, Kothagudem - 507101, Khammam District (AP) on or before 31/08/2010, superscribing the application registration number and name of the post on the envelope
:::::For More Details::::::
:::::To Apply Online:::::::
Government Jobs
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Jobs by Qualification
- Architectural Engg
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- Electrical engg
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- Engineer
- Graduate
- Graduate Engineer Trainee
- HR
- Hardware Engineer
- Hardware and network Engineer
- IT Engg
- IT-Software
- Jobs for Arts and Science
- M.E/ M.Tech
- M.Sc
- Mechanical engg
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- Software Engineer
- Structural Engg
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