Recruitment of Scientists/Engineers 'SC' with Post Gradaute degree in Engibneering/ Science
* Scientist/Engineer SC - Architecture : 02 posts
* Scientist/Engineer SC - Civil : 05 posts
* Scientist/Engineer SC - Electrical : 05 posts
Scale of Pay: Rs.15600-39100/- + Grade Pay Rs.5400
Eligibility: BE/B.Tech/B.Sc.,(Engg) in Civil / Electrical or Electrical and Electronics in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% (average of all semesters /years for which results are available). For Architecture:- Bachelor degree in Architecture with first class with an aggregate minimum of 65% and registration with council of Architecture (Registration certificate to be produced at the time of Interview). Final semester/year students are also eligible to apply .
Age Limit: 35 years.
How to apply :
1. Apply online at ISRO website 17/08/2010 and 08/09/2010.
2. There will be an Application Fee of Rs.100/- for each application in the form of DD from any of the Nationalized Bank in favour of the Sr. Accounts Officer, ISRO HQ, Bangalore, payable at Bangalore.
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Government Jobs
Bank Jobs
Bpo Jobs
Jobs by Qualification
- Architectural Engg
- Biotech
- Chemical engg
- Civil Engg
- Computer Engg
- Computer Science Engg
- Diploma Freshers
- E and I
- Electrical engg
- Electronics
- Engineer
- Graduate
- Graduate Engineer Trainee
- HR
- Hardware Engineer
- Hardware and network Engineer
- IT Engg
- IT-Software
- Jobs for Arts and Science
- M.E/ M.Tech
- M.Sc
- Mechanical engg
- Mphil
- PhD
- Software Engineer
- Structural Engg
- Telecom Engg