Location : Chennai
Job Category : Govt Sector, IT/Software
Job Type : Full Time
Hiring Process: Written-test
Experience: 1 year / Freshers can also apply
Looking for bright, dynamic young Engineers to join on Contract basis for a period of TWO YEARS on temporary basis
Qualification : First Class B.E./B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE), Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE), Mechanical Engineering (MECH) and Computer Science Engineering (CSE). Those who have secured First Class & above only need to apply.
No. of Vacancies : ECE / EEE - 06 Posts; Mechanical - 02 Posts; CSE - 03 Posts
Note: Qualification marks mentioned (i.e. First Class & above) will be raised depending on the no. of applications received, at the discretion of Management.
Age : Candidates should be aged 25 years or less as on 01.09.2010.
Shortlisted candidates will be called for Written Test/Interview on 26.09.2010 in the Campus. Selected Candidates will have to undergo medical checkup next day by our Visiting Medical Officer in Company premises, with a copy of Transfer Certificate (10th / 12th / Degree – indicating the identification marks) and Blood Group Details.
How To Apply:- Apply Online Before 19.09.2010.
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Government Jobs
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Jobs by Qualification
- Architectural Engg
- B.com
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- Computer Engg
- Computer Science Engg
- Diploma Freshers
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- Electrical engg
- Electronics
- Engineer
- Graduate
- Graduate Engineer Trainee
- HR
- Hardware Engineer
- Hardware and network Engineer
- IT Engg
- IT-Software
- Jobs for Arts and Science
- M.E/ M.Tech
- M.Sc
- Mechanical engg
- Mphil
- PhD
- Software Engineer
- Structural Engg
- Telecom Engg