Eligibility:BE/B.Tech (Electrical & Electronics Engineering),CA
Location: Delhi
Industry Type: Govt Sector, Others, Technical
Last Date: 11 September 10
Job Type: Full Time Hiring
Process: Walk - In
JOb Details:-
*Officer(F&A)(2 OBC, 1 SC, 1 ST ):
(i) should have 75% marks in S.S.C.(Xth) standard,
(ii) should have 75% marks in H.S.C. (XIIth) standard,
(iii) should have 60% at B.Com.,
(iv) Inter and final C.A. in first attempt
Pay Scale:Rs.24900-50500
Age Limit:30 years
*Graduate Engineers(3 OBC):
(i) should have 75% marks in S.S.C.(Xth) standard,
(ii) should have 75% marks in H.S.C. (XIIth) standard,
(iii) should have 65% in BE/B.Tech
Pay Scale:Rs.24900-50500
Age Limit:30 Yrs
How to apply:-
Desirous candidates, possessing requisite qualification may report for walk in selection at 10.00 am at REC Ltd. 3rd Floor, Palika Bhawan, Sector 13, R.K. Puram, New Delhi 110066 along with their Resume in the prescribed proforma as per Annexure ‘A’, with one colored passport size photograph and copies of relevant certificates. Candidates will have to bring their original mark sheet and proof of age and caste status for the walk in selection from 10 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. on 11th September for Officer(F&A) and 18th September for Engineers
:::::FOr MOre Details:::::
Government Jobs
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- Architectural Engg
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- Graduate
- Graduate Engineer Trainee
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