Location: Tamilnadu
Job Category: Core Technical, Diploma, Govt Sector, IT/Software, Others
Job Type: Full Time
Process: Written-test
Job Details:
*Post (1) : Production Engineer, Maintenance Engineer, Software Engineer, Hardware Engineer, Design Engineer, Telecom Engineer, Marketing Engineer
Qualification: B.E/ B.Tech (Mech/ Production/ Civil/ Mfg/ Metallurgy/ EEE/ ECE/ CSE/ ICE/ EIE)/ M.Sc/ MCA/ MS (IT)/ MBA
*Post (2) : Technician/ Tradesman
Qualification: ITI (FItter/ Turner/ Welder/ Molder/ Machinist/ Miller/ MMV/ Electrician/ Diesel Mech/ Electronics/ Wireman etc)
*Post (3) : Clerk/ Supervisor/ Store Keeper/ Accountant Asst/ Executives/ Sales Officers
Qualification: Any Degree
How To Appy:
Registration fee: Rs.920 can be paid by CASH/MO/DD/IPO (towards postal, postal stationer, advt charges and Govt. Tax) by sending DD for Rs.920/- drawn in favour of C.S.M Resources, Pattukkottai payable at Pattukkottai (Union Bank of India, A/C No.580301010050137, Name. CSM Resources) only accepted
Apply in the prescribed format with attach latest Passport Size Photographs 3 copies, and necessary Certificate Xerox Copies. Attach copy of challan with application. Last date: 26th October 2010. Send your resume with Rs.5 /- stamped self-addressed cover by speed post/ courier to The Managing Director, CSM Resources, Pattukkottai-614601, Thanjavur - DT, Tamil Nadu
Selected applicants will be called for Training/Act Apprentice/Appointment, salary Rs5400/- to 13500/-
:::::::For More Details:::::::::
:::::::Application Form:::::::::
Government Jobs
Bank Jobs
Bpo Jobs
Jobs by Qualification
- Architectural Engg
- B.com
- Biotech
- Chemical engg
- Civil Engg
- Computer Engg
- Computer Science Engg
- Diploma Freshers
- E and I
- Electrical engg
- Electronics
- Engineer
- Graduate
- Graduate Engineer Trainee
- HR
- Hardware Engineer
- Hardware and network Engineer
- IT Engg
- IT-Software
- Jobs for Arts and Science
- M.E/ M.Tech
- M.Sc
- Mechanical engg
- Mphil
- PhD
- Software Engineer
- Structural Engg
- Telecom Engg