Location : Chennai
Eligibility: BE/ B.Tech/ ME/ M.Tech (Mech/ Thermal)
Advertisement No. SCEM/2010/RS/02
Applications are invited for the post of Research Scientist ( Mechanical / Thermal) on contract basis for a period of 3 (Three) Years from eligible candidates.
No. of Posts: 03 (Three)
B.E / B. Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering preferably ME/ M.Tech in Thermal stream with minimum 75 % marks for under graduates and 65 % for post graduates from any Government recognized institution.
Experience in the following areas will be given preference:
• Thermal analysis of electronics system
• Computational Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis
• Hands on experience on Flow/ Pressure / Temperature measurement
Age: Not more than 28 years as on 01.05.2010. Age limit can be relaxed for deserving candidates.
Pay Scale : Rs.20,250/- per month and Rs.1000/- as annual increment.
How to Apply :
Please send Applications with all details including marks obtained from SSLC onwards, institution studied, experience in the relevant field and contact particulars (including email address) by post to: SAMEER-Centre for Electromagnetics, Second Cross Road, C.I.T. Campus, Taramani, Chennai-600113. Applications with all the above details and photocopy of all certificates only will be considered. Envelop should be superscribed as " Application for the post of Research Scientist / Thermal ".
Last Date for receiving application through post: 21st July 2010
To Get Full Details :::::Here:::::
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