(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research)
CSIR Campus, TTTI Taramani PO, Chennai 600 113
Project Assistant - Level – I :
*First Class in 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering ;
*First Class in 3 years Diploma in Computer Engineering / Technology or its equivalent
Job Description
*Civil Engineering: Helping the Scientists in preparing the test set-up and carrying out experiments, preparation of report, Technical write-up and such other related works as assigned by the Scientists of the Projects concerned.
*Computer Engineering : To assist the Scientists / officials in handling ERP based software application, documentation of various activities and such other related works as assigned by the scientists / officials of the projects concerned.
Consolidated Stipend: Rs.7000 /- per month
Age: should not exceed 28 years as on the date of interview (relaxable in the case SC/ST/OBC/Women as per GOI instructions.)
Project Assistant - Level II :
Qualifications: First Class in B.E / B.Tech in Civil Engineering
Job Description:
To assist Scientists in the Concerned Project Activities and such other related works as assigned by the Scientists of the Projects concerned.
Consolidated Remuneration: Rs.10000 /- per month
Age: should not exceed 28 years as on the date of interview (relaxable in the case SC/ST/OBC/Women as per GOI instructions.)
Project Assistant - Level III :
First Class in B.E / B.Tech in civil Engineering and two years relevant experience
First Class M.E. / M.Tech /M.S in Civil/Structural Engineering
Job Description:
To assist Scientists in the Concerned Project Activities and such other related works as assigned by the Scientists of the Projects concerned.
Consolidated Remuneration: Rs.12000 /- per month
Age: should not exceed 30 years as on the date of interview (relaxable in the case SC/ST/OBC/Women as per GOI instructions)
Interested candidates are requested to bring their applications as per Annexure along with recent passport size photo enclosing attested copies of certificates and testimonials and walk-in for Interview on FRIDAY, the 30th JULY 2010 between 09.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. at this Centre. No separate call letter will be sent for interview. No TA/DA will be paid. Candidates reporting later than 11.00 a.m. will not be considered.
(i) Candidates must bring the Original Certificates in respect of age/educational qualification etc. at the time of Walk-in-Interview
(ii) Only those candidates who possessed the above qualifications with I Class will be permitted to attend Walk-in-Interview.
(iii) Degree Certificate / Provisional certificate for degree holders and Diploma Certificate for Diploma in Engineering / Technology as per the branch and specialization indicated above is essential.
(iv) As there are different types of projects and the requirements of each project can vary, only those candidates satisfying all eligibility criteria and meeting the requirements of the project(s) will be interviewed and placed on the selected panel list.
(v) Higher start may be considered in the case of candidates who have cleared at least GATE (min. score 85%) examination. In such cases consolidated emoluments may be fixed after adding 10% to the fixed consolidated salary.
(vi) Candidates must bring technical reports/project reports etc. which was a requirement for the award of Degree / Diploma at the time of interview.
::::::::::::::::::::::::Application And Full Details Here:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Government Jobs
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Bpo Jobs
Jobs by Qualification
- Architectural Engg
- Biotech
- Chemical engg
- Civil Engg
- Computer Engg
- Computer Science Engg
- Diploma Freshers
- E and I
- Electrical engg
- Electronics
- Engineer
- Graduate
- Graduate Engineer Trainee
- HR
- Hardware Engineer
- Hardware and network Engineer
- IT Engg
- IT-Software
- Jobs for Arts and Science
- M.E/ M.Tech
- M.Sc
- Mechanical engg
- Mphil
- PhD
- Software Engineer
- Structural Engg
- Telecom Engg