Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC)
(Tamil Nadu)
Advertisement no: 247
*Applications are invited upto 5.45 p.m on 13/08/2010 for recruitment to the following posts in the Combined Engineering Service Examination
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 grade pay Rs.4700/-
Age : 30 years
* Assistant Engineer (Civil) : 185 posts in Water Resources Organisation, PWD in the Tamil Nadu Engineering Service.
* Assistant Engineer (Civil) : 29 posts in Building Organisation, PWD in the Tamil Nadu Engineering Service.
* Assistant Engineer (Electrical) : 14 posts in PWD in the Tamil Nadu Engineering Service.
* Assistant Engineer : 255 posts in Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department in Tamil Nadu Panchayat Development Service.
* Assistant Engineer (Civil) : 171 posts in Highways Department in the Tamil Nadu Highways Engineering Service.
* Assistant Inspector of Factories : 06 posts in the Tamil Nadu Factories Service.
* Junior Electrical Inspector : 01 post in Tamil Nadu Electrical Inspectorate Service.
Selection by a written test on 24/10/2010 and interview for selected candidates. Syllabus of the exam will be available on TNPSC website.
Examination Fee : Rs.125/-
How to Apply :
Filled in applications on OMR forms (available at the posts offices in Tamil Nadu/ Pudducherry on payment of Rs.30/-) (Also available at the TNPSC website) must be sent to
The Controller of Examinations,
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,
No.1, Greams Road,
Commercial Tax Building Annexe,
Chennai – 600006
by Registered Post / Speed Post well in advance so as to reach the Commission’s Office
before 5.45 p.m. on 13/08/2010.
Click Here To Apply at TNPSC website upto 11/08/2010.
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